Tuesday, September 13, 2011

PHOTO 2--1

I thought that my first roll of film was...Okay for a first roll. I did some things wrong, and they wern't that great of pictures, but it was also my first roll back from summer. So, I had fogotten some important aspects of shooting, and thats why i scored an 87 on my 2 prints. My two pictures were of a fruit bowl and a pumkin. I liked the subject of both but thats about it. I just didn't quite like just how the photo turned out in general. The photo(s) could have been better for a couple reasons: if they were focused, and if they didnt have so many distracting elements. I can improve on just about anything and everything as a photography student. I have learned alot and continue to learn alot by the mistakes i make on a regular basis. However, using filters, dodging and burning I do feel fairly comfortable doing. Once I get the hang  of it!

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