Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Realistic/Ambigous Portraits--6

This is a great picutre for realistic/ambigous portraits because
the child has no clue the picture is being taken, and theres a slight
rule of thirds being used.

This is a cool ambigous portrait, that looks like it was taken from either a balcony
or a higher level surface. The women doesnt appear to have any idea the photo is being taken.

This is a great photo, because the kids have no idea whats going on. Kids are great to photograph because alot of the times theyre doing their own thing and its easy to catch them in the moment.

This sorta looks like it might be posed, however it was on a website for realistic and
ambigous photos. So, this could very be a picture caught in the moment.

This doesnt look posed at all because the
child is focusing on the blocks and doesnt know the picture is being taken.

                                                      These are my Realistic/Ambigous Portraits:

These arn't the best photos I've ever taken, but I do like the idea behind them. I think even if the picture itself isnt great, I like where it was coming from. The first one I like, because my Aunt and my brother have no idea iam taking the photograph, and they're being framed by a column and a china shelf.  I think I my use of postive and negative space was ok....there was good contrast for the most part. What makes this photo look real is that they have no clue that I am taking the picture.
My second photograph, I like this one because of all the layers; the table, silverwear, a glass, my grandmother, and her friend, and then my uncles in the backround. And, once again they have no clue this picture was being taken.  My use of positive and negative space was once again okay...not alot of contrast..sorta gray. But, what makes this photograph look real is the fact that there are two conversations going on and neither of the two realize that a picture is being taken.

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