Friday, October 22, 2010

From the DVD #12

1. I really liked the photo taken at sunset of the lake and the two trees in the middle. It was a very beautiful shot and a very creative shot! Long depth of field was definitely used as well as the rule of thirds.
2. I think Jim Brandenburg did this to get his love for photography back. I also think he did this to be unique and to keep him involved with something he loved to do!

Reflecting on Lines assaignment #11

I thought I did a good job on my pictures for "lines." I thought they were creative and different. I took a picture much like one I previously posted in #10, so I think thats neat. And, I took a photo of drinks and random things that were sitting at a table in the shape of a line. Overall, I was proud with my lines assaignment!

Internet Lines #10

I like this photo because it's very intense. You've got a dark, cloudy sky and what looks like a never ending train track.

Very intersesting trees in the form of lines. The buildings in the backround help out with the whole "lines" effect as well. I think it's a very neat picture.

I like this photograph becaue the photographer took a very "boring" subject--or something we see everyday and made it very interesting.

I think this picture is so busy, I like it. It' got an overwelming amount of lines, which I find unique and creative!

I like this picture, because for my lines assaignment I took one VERY similar!

Reflecting on Depth of Field Roll #9

I thought that my depth of field role was decent. I think my photos could have  been a little more creative.  Like, I took a picture of a sign that I made when I was little and blurred out the backround. It was an okay picture, but I think I could of shot a more creative picture for shallow depth of field.  Maybe I could of done a close up on my goat and had the backround blurred. And same for the "long" depth of field, instead of taking a picture of  my street at at distance, I could of taken a picture of say the lawn at uva.

More Internet Findings #8

I would guess that the apperture used to take this photo was a large apperture. Im guessing it's large because the pictures so close. This photo is a great exaple of shallow depth of field because the subject is focused on and the backround is completely blurred out.

This photo I think could be an example of shallow debth of field or long debth of because it's focus on the eight ball and a little blurred in the back, but its also pretty focused throughout. Although, I'm gonna display this as shallow debth of feild because this is what I noticed first when I saw the picture. And, as far as apperture, Im not sure. I'd say a small apperture.

I'd guess that a large apperture was used to take this. This photo is definitely an example of shallow debth of feild because it's close to the bee's and blurred in the backround.

Maybe a small apperture, although-it could vary and same goes to all the pictures above. It really depends on the time of day and the lighting. This picture is an example of "long depth of field" because it's not close up, it's more of a lanscaping photograph.

Because this picture is taken far away-it has a "long" depth of feild rather then a shallow.
Im not sure what the apperture would be. But, i'd say somewhere in the middle because it was taken when the sun goes down.

 Another great example of "long" debth of field because the picture is "long." As in it's more broad, more scenic. It's not focused on one thing and the backround is not blurred-like shallow depth of field. Yoiu can see an entire view. (hard to explain) Im guessing that a very small apperture was used because it's in the middle of the day and the sun's out.

Reflecting on Motion Pics #7

I honestly was very happy with my motion pictures. I took both of the pictures of my goats. The first one was of my two baby does and they were playing on these tree stumps in they're pin, and I took a photo as both of they're noses were pointing down. Which I really liked. The other picture I took was of their mom "Lila" and while she was "ah ahh ahhhing" I snapped a shot. I think it's a super neat photo, although I wasn't quite focused in on her when I took is, so it's kinda of blurry. And,  that was the only "bad" thing about my motion pictures. I was happy otherwise! ;)

Internet Photos #6

Blurred Movement.
Very slow shutter speed
Maybe 1/15th of a second shutter speed

Blurred Movment
VERY SLOW shutter speed
I'd say either 1/15th or 1/30th second.

Blurred Movement
Another VERY SLOW shutter speed
1/15th of 1/30th second.

Frozen Movement
Fast shutter speed
I'd say 1/500th a second

Frozen Movement
Fast shutter speed
Since she's not like sprinting, I'd guess 1/250th or 1/500th a second shutter speed.

Frozen Movement
Fast shutter speed
I'd guess 1/1000th because he's running and jumping.

Textbook Picture #5

This is a unique picture I found in the textbook when I was flipping through. I like this picture because it's dog legs, a womens legs, and  a small dog thats obviously being walked by the women. Very neat. This is an idea I could use for my family, cause I want to take a picture of all my siblings. Perhaps I could include my  goats and my dog Morris and make a creative picture similar to this!

Drawing of my house #4

This is a rough sketch of my house. The top is the upstairs and the bottom is the downstairs....give or take. In the top left hand corner you can see my room. (where things are labled) This is one place in my room that I would want to take pictures of. I have  a bay window that maybe I could shoot a picture through outside. My room is very bright so the lighting would be great for just about any photo. But, a picture through the window would be great. Especially because in the distance of the feild/yard animals come out. We've seen fox, groundhogs...coyotes...etc.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Photos at Mr.Garland's Desk #3

-When I see this image, the first thing that comes to my mind is: 3 guys, diving, nysync, water, lake, wooden platform, NYC-because of the bridge in the backround.
-Im gonna use the word "nysync" to explain how the word is connected to the image. Nysync means at the same time, together...and these three boys are doing just that. When I first looked at the photo, thats just what I saw; three boys in New York, jumping off somekind of platform NYSYNC-at the same time. I think it's neat, because they're all jumping not nessasarily at the SAME time, but each of them are in the air and/or off the platform at one time. (except for the last one, which you can see  getting ready to go) I think this image is a great motion picture!
-The compostion in this photo is made up of some neat shapes. You've  got 3 thin guys jumping--each of they're bodies in the same sorta arch. You've got the bridge in the backround, and you've got the water, which is not really a shape and I can come up with, but more of a continous pattern. Great composition!

In the future #2

In the future these are some things I'd like to take pictures of in photography:
1. The beach-A small apperture would be ideal for a depth of field shot.
2. A sunset-Small apperture, so your blocking out some light.
3. A portrait of either my family or my siblings-just a still photo so maybe more of an open apperture.
4. A unique animal-depending on the light-the apperture would change
5. A wedding-once again, it would depend. but a small apperture would work if it was in the evening and the sun was shinnning.  That way there wouldnt be too much light.
6. Something ivolving a todler- the shutter speed would need to be fast if the child was moving.
7. A water picture, someones water skiing, wakeboardingm, tubing..etc.-Depending on the time of day would depend on the apperture, but a very fast shutter spead would be ideal--unless you want motion blur in your photo.
8. A snow action picture; someone sledding, skiing, snowboarding...etc.-" "
9. My brother playing football, or baseball.-Fast shuitter speed, although a slow one could be cool, to get some motion blur.
10. Portraits of my friends- The apperture would depend on the lighting, and also would depend on you shutter speed.

Enlarger and Camera Parts #1

This is an enlarger correctly labled.

This is a photography camera correctly labled.